Friday, June 13, 2008

Beach Babe

There was a time when another little girl posed in front of my camera....I have boxes of pictures of her, tons on c.d. and too many to count on this hard drive. Erin still poses, at the drop of a hat, but Sarah...well she's usually the uncooperative one. The blur is her in the group shot or the void where she took off at the last minute. Yesterday was different though. Erin was entranced by something on television. Sarah decided she needed to "swim". So, we
went outside, grabbed the hose and the sprinkler head. All systems were a go. Then within minutes came, "I'm cold, I'm done." We layed the towel down in the drive-way and Sarah proceeded to warm herself in the sun. I thought to myself, possible photo op....would she stay still? To my surprise and delight, she DID! Without sissy and brother around, being the center of my attention...mama take picture, lemme see! For twenty minutes we sat in the drive together, taking a picture, sharing the view and her chattering on. May was a difficult month for Sarah, rocky to say the least. But we're slowly getting her "meds" sorted out, getting into our summer routine and working on her "problem" areas to prepare her for the first grade this fall. With each passing day, the real Sarah is emerging from the swirling fog of anger, anxiety and rage created (or should I say amplified) by her first set of meds. Little steps, little steps, HUGE rewards.....


Susan said...

What a wonderful time you both must have had...just the two of you! Sometimes I think that's all they need...just a little individualized attention! She looks beautiful!

Staci said...

OMG! That's awesome! I'm glad you got to share that time. yeah!

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