Sunday, January 20, 2008

Another Evening...

Well the kids have been back to school for two weeks. Each look forward to coming home for their own personal reasons. Sarah loves to listen and dance to her MP3 player, or play Reading Rabbit, Erin enjoys cuddling with her Webkin Pony and Taylor can't wait to pick up his PSP. Unfortanately, they don't get to play with these computer toys as often as they'd like. Homework and chores are priority and when these aren't completed, the electronics stay put away. Mean MOM, mean....
The weather here has been cold by Texas standards (30's & 40's) which mean only one of mine is adventureous enough to brave it. Sarah. The other two would prefer reading books, videos and movies....right now they're playing with Taylor's Yugimon deck. This makes me think and wonder, would moving further north in the future be a good idea?? Then I think of the time it took to prepare the kids to go outside, long underwear, snow pants, gloves, boots & hats...10 minutes outside, dripping wet, undressing, stacks and mounds of the above said clothes...Yes, please go play your video games and watch tv......

1 comment:

Safety1 said...

My kids are silly.... Come to DC and then they will feel real cold.. 12 deg on Sunday and 18 on Monday when I left for work..... Shaun, You do have a good point with the mounds of clothing they those three would genterate I beleave that the washer and dryer would just up and quit.... Where did you put the scrub board MA??

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