Thursday, June 21, 2007

Card Making Challenge

This is more of a sharing/ "lightbulb" moment. Was surfing last night getting ideas for an upcoming swap, when I found a post at Two Peas in a Bucket... It's from a woman in Washington who collects blank handmade cards for our troops overseas. They in turn are able to write/share and mail these pre-made cards back home to the states to their loved ones. (Hallmark Stores, not so available in Irag) I thought to myself, cool. The more I think about it, I think I have some awesome girlfriends who are VERY crafty... I'm making cards for our troops and I challenge YOU to make some too. Our children can even make cards. We're even allowed to slip some "letters from home" into the card package so our soldiers have something to read.
I'm working on getting us our own personal point of contact (we have a friend overseas in Iraq, his blog is listed on the side bar, The One Wire.) Or we can visit a site called and they'll help put us in touch with a soldier. What do you say? I'm also sharing this info in my MOMS newsletter as a service project challenge.


Becky B. said...

I'm in, you know I always need one more thing to do.....

Jenn said...

I'm with Becky, hummm, now how to add an hour or two into each day so I can get to it. LOL

Seriously, I'll do what I can but can't make a commitment.

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