Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day 08

Our veterans have fought in wars because for some, they were drafted and had no choice, others felt it was their responsibility to represent our nation and it's ideals, regardless of WHY these men and women fought, they fought nonetheless. Some came home with medals and honor, others were just happy to be home, then there are the men and woman who left a part of them in that foreign place, never to be whole again, while others never came home at all. All of our veterans sacrificed SOMETHING while representing the United States of America, while following the orders of our Commander in Chief, and ALL of our veterans are entitled to our respect they so rightly deserve.
So, don't forget the veteran. Honor the veteran and the branch he or she represents. Honor our military for their valor, strength, sacrifice, commitment to the oaths they made. Regardless of how you feel about recent elections, regardless of your political preferences, regardless if your democrat or republican...Honor and remember our veterans....


Jeanne Lobsinger said...

My name is Jeanne Lobsinger and I approve this message.

Another good looking man in your family. Oh how I love a man in uniform!

Steve Elkins said...

I couldn't have said it better myself! Thanks for the great message!

Susan said...

Dave looks great! When are we going to see you guys again???? Heading to MO anytime soon...or in the future????

Love ya, Susan

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